High Performance
Computing Knowledge
 for nano-Electronic Design Automation (4nEDA)

Project Overview

Duration of the Project: 48 months, from September 2006 to August 2010.

Budget: 343803 Euro

Contractor and Place of Implementation: The coordinator of the project is "Politehnica" University of Bucharest- Research Center for Computer Aided Electrical Engineering (Centrul de inginerie electrica asistata de calculator) UPB-CIEAC, estabilshed in Romania. There are no other contractors.  The project director is Prof. Daniel Ioan.

Brief description:

The ToK - 4nEDA project aims to reinforce the competence in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC) hardware, software, and Grid solutions at 'Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania. The specific objective of the project is to install and exploit here a powerful multiprocessor computing system with distributed architecture (PC cluster).

The transferred knowledge will be exploited by the local scientific community involved in a series of European research projects and multisectorial partnerships in the area of nanoelectronics. This interdisciplinary community committed to create an innovative platform for nano-Electronic Design Automation (nEDA). The local scientists have excellent results in their area of competence, however they need additional competencies in the complementary area of HPC, in order to fulfill their commitments with a relevant industrial impact. New-transferred technology will allow the local researchers to solve realistic problems for the benefit of the knowledge-based economy. Since the leader Silicon European companies are involved in these projects, the IPR generated, will contribute directly to the increase of the European industry competitiveness.

Tok will reinforce not only research, but also the capability of the host to provide training at the highest scientific quality. The research training in domain of Scientific Computation in Electrical Engineering (SCEE) and in broader area of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), at all levels: Bachelor, Master, Doctoral, and post-doc will be improved.

The project was designed to have optimal size: duration of 4 years, providing in this period 3 fellowships:


Description of the work:

  1. Description of the transfer of knowledge

  2. Content of ToK activity/actions

  3. Project management

  4. Indicative appointment schedule

  5. Indicators of Progress and Success